(Dis) Possession

My series (Dis) Possession questions why we accumulate ‘things’ and how we discard them. We amass so many ‘things’ - they possess us, we do not possess them. I question do they make us happy, successful, fashionable, or admired?  Dispossession is their rejection and these items have been bought from Opportunity shops (Op shops) around Footscray, Ideally unwanted things are sold or donated to Op shops, however they may unfortunately end up landfill. Things in this series were donated back to Op shops to resume their anonymous, inanimate lives waiting for possession. The collections are a mix of old souvenirs, children’s toys deceased estates and cultural items, placed together to form vertical still life arrangements and create new realtionships. The titles are as non sensical as the collections.


Troublesome Statues 2021


Thresholds 2022